Centre Police Officer Michael Kilgore Arrested

On Wednesday evening, Centre Police Investigator Randy Mayorga and Cherokee County Chief Deputy, Josh Summerford placed Kilgore under arrest at the Centre Police Department. He was charged on warrants for criminal conspiracy to commit a controlled substance crime-distribution.

The case come to light after allegations were made regarding the unlawful handling and planting of evidence by Kilgore. Centre Police Investigator Randy Mayorga immediately initiated an investigation after the allegation was received. The investigation revealed evidence that corroborated the allegation. As a result of the investigation, arrest warrants were obtained for criminal conspiracy to commit a controlled substance crime-distribution.

Centre Police Chief Blankenship said, “we are very disappointed in Kilgore’s conduct. There is no excuse for any officer violating the law like this.”According to Chief Blankenship, Kilgore has been removed from his employment with the City of Centre.

Chief Blankenship expresses his appreciation to District Attorney Summer Summerford, the Gadsden Office of the FBI, and the Sheriff’s Office for their assistance in this matter.

District Attorney Summerford said, “We have great law enforcement officers serving in the Ninth Judicial Circuit. The overwhelming majority of officers across the Nation work hard and dedicate themselves to keeping our communities safe. Law enforcement officers that break the law and violate both the public’s trust and other officer’s trust, will be prosecuted.”



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