Collinsville City Council Meeting

Collinsville City Council Meeting

Mayor Johnny Traffanstedt told the Council the trucks for the police department are in the process of getting all the equipment installed. He also thanked all the parents who helped at the Little League fields with all the work and getting it ready for the season and the batteries for the severe weather siren had been replaced and it is now operational

Jennifer Wilkin gave the Library Report, telling the Council she is required to meet with Council twice a year to qualify for the State funding for the Library. She said the amount is based on the population and now they are receiving over $2000 per year in quarterly. She meets with the Council twice per month advocating for the Collinsville Library. Wilkin thanked the Council for always providing what is need for the facility.

Police Chief Andrew Brown gave the police report telling the Council the department has made 17 drug cases since putting her into service during the last two months. The dog is a Nationally Certified so when she alerts the officers of drugs that is probable cause for a search of the vehicle of property.

The Council approved an amendment to the wholesale alcohol license ordinance to set a flat fee of $375. They also approved 3 pool tables for L&B Restaurant and Fun Place.

Justin Foster was reappointed to the Planning Commission Board. James Cagle, Connor Curry, and Heath Osborne were reappointed to the Zoning Board of Adjustments. Jed Hornbuckle was appointed to the Construction Board of Adjustments.

