Cherokee County Law Enforcement Agencies Arrest Files For Saturday April 15th

Arrest Files

Richard Letherwood, 31 of Hokes Bluff, charged by the Centre PD with FTA on previous Charges.

Justin Mayhall, 40 of Centre, charged by the Cherokee County Sheriff Department, with Unlawful Possession of a Controlled Substance and Unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia.

Ashley Watson, 33 of Centre, charged by the Cherokee County Sheriff Office with Unlawful possession of a controlled substance and unlawful possession of drug parapheranlia.

Eric Crane, 46 of Cedar Bluff, charged by the Cherokee County Sheriff Department with 6 counts of failure to appear on previous charges.

Jason Hunter, 41 of Cedar Bluff, charged by the Cherokee County Sheriff Department, with Non Support.

Early Today 95 Inmates were housed in the Cherokee County Detention Center.

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