Holy Week Services In Centre

During this week, Holy Week Services will be held at different churches each day at noon. A meal will be provided.
Holy Week Schedule 2023
4/3 Monday at Centre First Baptist Church w/ speaker Pastor George Cobb
4/4 Tuesday at Centre First United Methodist Church w/ speaker Pastor Zach Richards (the new pastor at Pine Grove Baptist Church)
4/5 Wednesday at Believers Fellowship Church w/ speaker Pastor David Dale
4/6 Thursday at Fairview Community Church w/ speaker Pastor Gary Hardin
4/7 Friday at Pine Grove Baptist Church w/ speaker Pastor Don Barnett
Easter Sunrise Service
4/9 Sunday 6:20 a.m.* at Cherokee Memory Gardens w/ speaker Pastor Keith Day
*If anyone asks why 6:20 a.m. it is the listed time for sunrise on that day in our zip code.

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