Cherokee County Commission Meeting March 28th 2023

The Cherokee County Commission met Monday afternoon for their regular meeting. Among the usual business handled, the commission announced that Leann Hill has tendered her resignation to the Public Parks and Recreation Board. New applications and resumes will be accepted through Wed April 5th.

Also, John Holbrook resigned from Public Library Board. New applications and resumes will be accepted through April 19th.

A job posting for collections clerk was approved by the commission. This position is a Grade 5, Step 1 position in the Revenue Office.

The commission approved a motion to allow geotechnical testing of CR28 by LBYD and National Concrete of Alabama. The commission approved the motion bearing on there being no obligation to the county for any work to be done on the road based on any specific result of the test.

The commission also approved a motion to retain Renee Gosset for consultation and training (for a time of 5 days per month, not to exceed 6 months) at her rate of pay at retirement.

The next meeting of the Cherokee County Commission will be Tuesday, April 11th.
