Traffic Stop Results In Fatal Shooting after Suspect Turns Gun on Himself / UPDATE

Traffic Stop Results In Fatal Shooting after Suspect Turns Gun on Himself

On Tuesday afternoon, officers with the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Department, along with an Alabama State Trooper, took part in a high-speed chase with a subject having multiple felony warrants for his arrest.

The subject led officers on a pursuit that went several miles on multiple roads in the Broomtown and Waterloo Communities; according to a statement that was issued by the Sheriff’s Department the subject finally stopped on County Road 89 – and refused to exit the vehicle.  After a brief standoff with officers, that subject fired the weapon – sustaining what turned out to be a fatal gunshot wound.

Atrium EMS was called to the scene to administer treatment, however the subject died at the scene.

Cherokee County Chief Deputy Josh Summerford told WEIS News, the DeKalb County Sheriff Office Special Response Team provided assistance at the scene; the JSU Center for Applied Forensics Critical Incident Response Team was also called to investigate the incident.

Cherokee County Coroner Paul McDonald was also called to conduct an investigation.  At the family’s request the Coroner’s Office will not officially be releasing the name of the deceased in this case.

The investigation into the matter is on-going.

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