Centre City Council talks Pickleball and Hot Air Balloons

The Centre City Council met on Tuesday February 28th for their bi-monthly meeting. All council members were present except for Don Cothran, who was out due to COVID. Business attended to included re-appointing Harold Day to the Water Works and Sewer Board for a six-year term. The council also re-appointed Tom ‘Tiny’ Owens to the Alcohol Review Committee for a three-year term.

Beth Serrentino spoke before the council about the new pickleball courts newly finished at Centre City Park. She first wanted to convey thanks and appreciation from the entire local community of pickleball players who are enjoying the new courts. Serrentino also wanted to discuss plans for handling reservations of courts specifically for holding pickleball tournaments on weekends. Mayor Mansfield expressed excitement for the future of pickleball tournaments being held at the park, and will get with Ms. Serrentino soon to work out details.

Dee Miller spoke before the council about the upcoming Hot Air Balloon festival. Miller explained that after discussing the schedule and weather with the pilots of the balloons it would be best to move the festival to June 10th, when the weather would be more conducive to flights and the festival in general. Miller also stated that they would shortly begin attracting arts and crafts vendors to attend the festival.

The next meeting of the Centre City Council will be Tuesday March 14th.

