Two Fatal Accidents in as Many Days in Cherokee County

We’ve had two traffic fatalities in as many days in Cherokee County.

On Wednesday morning 22 year old Clair Bryant was fatally injured – when her 2008 Jeep Cherokee  was hit head-on shortly after 9:00 on Highway 9 near County Road 80 approximately three miles north of Cedar Bluff and Thursday afternoon around 4:30 two people were killed and two injured in a single-vehicle accident, on County Road 175.  Brittany Hayes of Piedmont and Michael Hayes of Vidalia, Georgia – were killed with two others – Blake Broome of Piedmont, and the driver, listed as Tameron Drummer of Chattsworth, Georgia being hurt.

Both Brittany and Michael Hayes were fatally injured after being ejected and pinned underneath the 2003 Ford Explorer which left the roadway and overturned, as it was reportedly traveling “too fast for road conditions”.

Those responding to the scene included Cherokee County Coroner Paul McDonald, State Troopers, the Cherokee County Rescue Squad and the Ellisville Fire Department.

The wreck remains under investigation by the Cherokee County Coroner’s Office and Alabama State Troopers

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