Judge Jeremy Taylor Recently Sworn In for 3rd Term as Circuit Judge.

“It was my high honor to administer the Oath of Office to Judge Jeremy Taylor.  He does a great job as a judge, and he is even better as a husband and dad.  Pray for he and his family.”

~Circuit Judge Shaunathan Bell

Judge Jeremy Taylor was recently sworn in for his 3rd term for Circuit Judge.


Jeremy Taylor (Republican) presides as a judge in Alabama’s Ninth Judicial Circuit – which covers both DeKalb and Cherokee Counties.

“It has been my honor and privilege to serve as Circuit Judge – as it was my honor to serve as Assistant District Attorney for four years before being elected judge,” Taylor stated. “This community means so much to me.  As judge, I am able to offer help to individuals and families in our area that are facing tough issues involving the court system.”

Taylor says he is most proud of increasing the efficiency of the court process and of creating a review docket system that collects restitution owed to victims of crime as well as fines and costs.

“We have saved the taxpayers through being more efficient.  Judge Bell and I opted not to replace an employee that retired,” Taylor said. “We have done more work with less staff and that has resulted in a savings.  Plus, we have instituted payment review dockets aimed at collecting money owed to victims of crime.  I am proud to say that we have cut down on the amount of time it takes to process cases as well as brought more compensation to those who, through no fault of their own, have suffered a loss. The system can always be made better, though, and we are working very hard to make it the best it can be.”

Taylor says “It is my goal every day to work hard so that people going through the court system can have a resolution to their issues.  I am pleased to be able to continue that work.  I commit to the citizens of DeKalb and Cherokee Counties that I will return your trust in me with good, fair work and that I will make our community better off by my being in office.”

(Comments are taken from a conversation between Judge Taylor and The Southern Torch)


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