The Cherokee County Commission conducted a regular meeting Monday night.
The appointment/reappointment on three positions with the Cherokee County Healthcare authority will take place at the Monday, December 12th Commission meeting. These are six year terms that will end in December of 2028. Submitting of resumes, letters, etc. will be accepted through Wednesday, December 7th until the close of business in the Commission office.
The appointment/reappointment of one position on the Northeast Alabama Water & Sewer Authority will take place at the Monday December 12th, 2022 meeting as well. This is a four year term that will end in January of 2027. Submitting of resumes, letters, etc. will be accepted through Wednesday, December 7th until the close of business in the Commission office.
In new business, the Commission approved to advertise bids for the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office training facility.
The Commission approved to hire Crystal Mullins as a probate office clerk.
Approval was made to close the Cherokee County administration building and courthouse December 14th 11:30 AM-1:30 PM for the annual Christmas lunch.
During the meeting the Commission approved ARPA fund allocations to The Cherokee County Children’s Advocacy Center in the amount of $35,000, The Cherokee County District Attorney’s Office, in the amount of $25,000, The CED Mental Health Center in the amount of $25,000, and the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Department in the amount of $450,000.