Fort Payne Day Reporting Center Lite Program Celebrates 7 Recent Program Graduates

Fort Payne, Ala. – On Friday, November 18, seven participants from the Fort Payne Day Reporting Center Lite graduated from the program, celebrated by a commencement ceremony at Northeast Community College. Fort Payne DRC Lite Administrator Brandon Thompson and DRC Lite District Manager Chris Causey thanked guests for coming out to show support and congratulated graduates on the milestone they reached.

Social Service Caseworker Chris Huff composed a heartening video of the graduates expressing their gratitude for the program. Each participant gave their personal account of how the DRC program helped them improve within themselves and within society.

The keynote speaker, Judicial Circuit Judge Jeromy Taylor, gave an inspiring message reminding graduates to maintain their success.

Assistant Director for Reentry Rebecca Bensema also gave insight to graduates on personal struggles she overcame. “The completion of this program shows the dedication and resilience of the graduates,” said Bensema.

The Bureau gratefully acknowledges Northeast Community College for providing the venue for the event, along with all community partners for their involvement in the DRC Lite program.

DRCs provide counseling, educational training and supervision for probationers and parolees. With a focus on employment assistance, substance abuse treatment, mental health, and cognitive restructuring needs, DRC staff is committed to reducing recidivism rates and improving public safety through behavior change. Currently, full Day Reporting Centers are located in Birmingham, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, and Tuscaloosa. Day Reporting Center Lites, condensed versions of DRCs offering similar treatment, are located in Albertville, Bay Minette, Fort Payne, Opelika and Jasper.


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