Commission Releases $260,000 Of ARPA Funds

During the regular meeting of the Cherokee County Commission Tuesday, $260,000 in American Rescue Plan Funds were released for the County Volunteer Fire Departments. Each of the 13 departments throughout the County will receive $20,000. Commission Chairman and the Commissioners said these funds were intended to reimburse the departments for the funds they expended during the COVID epidemic. Chairman Burgess had these comments:


In other business the commission approved a government obligation contract for the financing of two John Deere tractors for the highway department in the amount of $185,102 with the Chairman authorized to sign the agreement.

Approval was given for the County Administrator to advertise for bids for Pest Control Services for the County’s Facilities.

The commission also approved a resolution in support of the proposed Constitutional Amendments 2 & 7 which will appear on the November 2022 General Election Ballot.

A job posting was also approved for a part-time driver for the Nutritional Van with a starting pay grade 3 step 1.

The next meeting of the Cherokee County Commission will be October 24 at 5 p.m. in the Commission Chambers.

