Leesburg Town Council Says “NO” To Business License Increase

During the Leesburg Town Council meeting Monday, the turned down a motion to increase the Business License rate increase. The measure was discussed at the previous meeting and it was tabled until the October meeting. On a vote of 4-1 the measure was defeated. Councilman Byram said the rates have been the same since he had been on the council and felt that a rate increase was warranted. However, the other 4 council members said they would like for it to stay as it is for now.

The Council approved accepting bids for paving on 9 streets. The bids will be accepted through noon on October 27th.

The Council did approve a rate increase for primitive camping and RV campgrounds at the Landing. The RV Park increase will be $10 per lot with the primitive camping going up to $20 per lot with only one tent allowed with a maximum of six persons per tent.

Mayor Brandy Pierce was authorized to spend up to $135,000 on a new backhoe for the Town.

The purchase and installation of drainage pipe for Bristow Gap Road was approved for the amount of $2400.

Trunk of Treat was approved for Saturday, October 29 from 5 until 7 p.m. at the City Park. Candy, hotdogs, and juice packs will be given out and there will be inflatables for the children to enjoy.

Christmas in the Park was set for December 3rd from 4 until 8 p.m.
