Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for New Sand Rock School

The ground breaking ceremony for the brand new building at Sand Rock school took place this week, and drew a large crowd.

Sand Rock school principal Ben East welcomed everyone to the event:

Cherokee County School Superintendent Mike Welsh also welcomed everyone and he spoke briefly about the project:

 Welsh also took time to personally thank several of those in attendance

State Superintendent of Education, Dr. Eric Mackey, who grew up in Cherokee County and attended Sand Rock school, stressed that while great memories can last forever, the time has come to move forward and offer students the finest, most up to date and state of the art, facility possible:

State Representative Ginny Shaver stressed the importance of obtaining the finest education possible,  best education possible, and is fullr ready to move forward:

State Senator Andrew Jones likewise stated the that children are our future and it is a vital component of our legacy as good citizens to provide every child with the tools he or she needs to succeed:


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