Anniston Man Sought in Connection with Monday Abduction of Elderly Calhoun County Woman

Alabama Tag 11JA702 (Image is not the actual vehicle)

According to Calhoun County Sheriff Matthew Wade, the 75 year old woman who was abducted shortly after 12:00 noon Monday, has been located safe.

The Sheriff’s Office received a 9-1-1 call from family members, reporting that the was missing; they had already searched the home and the surrounding property but were unable to locate her, so they called law enforcement for assistance.  Upon their arrival deputies learned that the woman had been grocery shopping early that day; part of her groceries were inside the home and some of her personal items were found on the roadway.

(Photo Courtesy of WVTM Channel 13)

Sheriff Wade immediately called in off-duty shifts to begin the investigation, and also initiate search efforts.  Community members, with local fire departments, learned of the situation, organized additional search parties – and started to cover the property surrounding her home.  As that investigation continued – video that was obtained from stores she had visited led officers to investigate several different vehicles.  Using the technology, resources, and talent of the East Alabama Metro Crime Center – a picture of a “suspect” vehicle – and a tag number was developed.

The information led to several residences in Anniston related to suspect Tony Lamar White a 47 year old black male.   When investigators arrived at the residence on South Wilmer Street, they cleared the home and located Mrs. Cobb in the closet, bound by duct tape.  Sheriff Wade stated that the suspect wasn’t present, and was believed to have fled on foot, and information was developed that White was possibly in a silver Chrysler 300 with the tag number 11JA702.   Mrs. Cobb was evaluated, and then transferred to an area hospital for treatment and observation. 

Law enforcement is currently seeking assistance of the public in locating Tony Lamar White.  He has multiple warrants and is considered a dangerous person.   If you see the vehicle, or suspect, call 9-1-1 immediately. 

The Calhoun County Sheriff’s Office would like to thank the East Alabama Metro Area Crime Center, the Oxford Police Department, the Center of Applied Forensics at JSU, Calhoun County District Attorney Brian McVeigh, the Anniston Police Department, the Quad Cities Fire Department and all the volunteers that took time out of the day to assist.

The cooperation among all agencies was instrumental in the rescue of Mrs. Cobb. 

~Calhoun County Sheriff Matthew Wade

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