Katie Morgan Webb Named ACTU Community Hero of the Quarter

We are pleased to announce Katie Morgan Webb as the Community Hero of the Quarter representing the Cherokee County area in partnership with WEIS Radio.
Ms. Webb is the elementary special education resource teacher at Gaylesville School. When asked about the most rewarding part of her job, Katie responded, “The most rewarding part of my job is the love and success of my students. To make every day enjoyable, I focus on each achievement they make, no matter the objective. The pride and happiness my students gain when they can write their names, learn to read, accurately solve math problems, vanquish a challenging assignment, participate independently within their classroom environment, make a friend, conquer a new piece of playground equipment, or effectively communicate their wants and needs are exciting moments we share together.”
Thank you, Katie, for investing in the lives of your students. Your dedication has not gone unnoticed. Congratulations!