Cherokee County School District Sponsors Summer Meals for Children

Cherokee County Schools will be providing meals through the Summer Food Service Program at no cost.  Breakfast will be served from 7:30am-8:30am and lunch will be served from 11:00am-12:00pm.  Because these meals must be consumed on campus, we will not be allowed to offer bulk meal pick up at this time.

  • Breakfast and Lunch meals will be provided at no cost to students attending on campus programs in June/July. Snack will be served at some locations to meet the needs of program participants.
  • Children NOT attending programs may visit the cafeterias during the times listed below to receive meals. These meals are available to anyone under the age of 18 regardless of residence or school attendance but must be consumed on campus.

Cedar Bluff High School:  Monday-Friday June 6-30, July 6-8, 11-15, 18-20

Centre Elementary School: June 6-July 1

Centre Middle School: June 6-30, July 6-8, 11-15

Gaylesville High School: June 6-July 1

Spring Garden High School: June 13-July 1

Sand Rock High School: June 13-July 1


*Changes to dates/times will be announced
