MEDIA RELEASE / For Immediate Release / Date: May 14, 202
New computers given to DCSO Detention Center
From the Office of DeKalb County Sheriff Nick Welden
FORT PAYNE, Ala. — DeKalb County Sheriff Nick Welden and the DeKalb Count Sheriff’s Office would like to extend our sincere appreciation and gratitude to Circuit Judges: Shaunathan Bell, Jeremy Taylor and Andrew Hairston for their generous donation of two new computers that will be utilized in the Detention Center. These computers will help us to work more effectively and efficiently Technology allows for the constitutional rights for inmates to appear before a judge within 72 hours, while providing safety for the deputies by avoiding dangerous incidents during transportation and ultimately a saving to citizens of DeKalb County.
DeKalb County Sheriff Nick Welden said of the incident: “Receiving these new computers is such a huge blessing to our Detention Center, especially since we all are still dealing with Covid-19” “I am so thankful for the amazing relationships we have with our Judges and Court System. I feel beyond blessed that we all work as a unit improving efficiency and services for our community.”“God Bless!” Concluded Sheriff Welden.