Centre City Council Meeting March 8th, 2022

The Centre City Council held their regular meeting on Tuesday evening.

The council approved the minutes from their meeting on February, 22nd in addition to the accounts payable for the month.

At the recommendation of the Alcohol Review Committee, the Council approved a retail beer and retail table license for the Fishing Hole Restaurant located on the Bypass.

Sealed bids were also opened for the Farmer’s Market Pavilion project, following some discussion the Council agreed to further discuss the matter and vote on it at the next council meeting.

A request to purchase 10 new tasers for the police department was also approved – the purchase will be funded through a grant.

The Council also granted approval for the Master Gardner’s to hold their annual plant sale in the city park coming up on April, 2nd.

Soil testing at the site of the new aquatic center was also approved and will be conducted by CMT Testing Services.

The city also agreed to accept bids for street repairs in the Raintree Subdivision.

The Council also approved the purchase of picnic tables for the Ed Yarbrough Park and the Hatcher Community Building.

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