Repair Work Begins On Two Gadsden Roadways


Starting Tuesday, February 8th at 6 am until Thursday at 6 p.m. the Alabama Department of Transportation will begin work on two roadways in Gadsden. Contractors will deposit both US-431 at the Meghan Bridge and US-411.

ALDOT says there is no need for drivers to be alarmed about this roadwork. Curtis Vincent, a North Region Engineer adds that both of these bridges are in need of routine maintenance.

Tuesday morning they will begin work on the north outside lane on US-431 to repair the bridge deck.

On 431 repairs will be made to the concrete deck surface of the bridge, and crews will be removing a section that has spalled just due to the age and deterioration of the concrete.

Contractors are expected to finish Thursday weather permitting and then move to US-411 working under the bridge.

Once 431 is complete, crews will move down to 411 where they will be making some repairs to the substructure of the bridge, in particular repairing some of the girders.

The repairs on US-411 are expected to take about three weeks to complete.

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