The Board Meeting will begin at 4:00 p.m. and items on the agenda include:
1. Adopt Agenda
2. Approve Minutes
3. Receive December 2021 Financial Report
4. Accept Bids
5. Approve Out of State Travel
6. Approve Copier Proposal from Ricoh for CES
7. Approve to Declare John Deere Mower at CCHS as Public Works
8. Approve Agreement with Cherokee County Children’s Advocacy Center
9. Approve Professional Development
10. Approve Personnel Action
11. Review Job Postings
12. Superintendent’s Update
13. Other
14. Adjourn
2. Approve Minutes
3. Receive December 2021 Financial Report
4. Accept Bids
5. Approve Out of State Travel
6. Approve Copier Proposal from Ricoh for CES
7. Approve to Declare John Deere Mower at CCHS as Public Works
8. Approve Agreement with Cherokee County Children’s Advocacy Center
9. Approve Professional Development
10. Approve Personnel Action
11. Review Job Postings
12. Superintendent’s Update
13. Other
14. Adjourn