Parker Announces Candidacy for County Commission, District II, on the Republican Ticket

My name is Kimball Parker.  I am a candidate for County Commission, District II, on the Republican ticket.

I am married to Karen Anderson Parker.  We have four children – Adam and Rachael Parker; Kris and Rachael Parker; Samantha and Jeffrey Knight; and Kimberly and Justin Hicks. We also have four precious grandchildren – Will, Ben, and Sam Parker and Maisy Knight.  My parents are the late Leon and Betty Parker.  My in-laws are the late Harvel and Kathi Anderson.  I’ve been in the insurance business for the past 32 years throughout the county and am the owner of the Parker Insurance Agency; I’ve also served 28 years with Perry Funeral Home.

I would like to have the opportunity to serve the great people of Cherokee County.  My goal is to be accountable, and accessible, to all the people of the county.  I will be attentive to the needs of the office and those whom I will serve.  I will be fair and honest with everyone and will treat everyone with the respect they deserve.

I appreciate your vote and support for Kimball Parker, in the May 24th Primary on the Republican ticket.

May God Bless you and be safe.
