Centre City Council Meeting August 23rd

Several items were approved during Tuesday’s Centre City Council meeting. 

The council voted to allot $1,000 to the Extended Family for Kids Program in Cherokee County. A motion was also made to appoint Joan Richardson to a 3-year term on the Zoning Adjustment Board.

A motion to install new water lines and toilets at the Babe Ruth Baseball field was approved in addition to a request to gather quotes for the removal of asphalt at the Ed Yarbrough Park (old concession stand).

Due to a rise in COVID cases, the council voted to reinstate the city’s COVID-19 Guidelines for city employees.

The purchase of two bullet proof vests was also approved for the police department in addition to the upgrades to the camera system at the police station.

Mayor Mark Mansfield announced that this years BBQ Cook-off normally held in conjunction with the Fall Festival would be moved to April and held as a stand alone event.  Council member Kay Davis announced that the annual Christmas Parade will take place on December 2nd beginning at 5:00 p.m.

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