Cherokee County School Board Meeting August 11th, 2021

During their most recent meeting, the Cherokee County Board of Education approved a number of items on their agenda. Those items included;

The receipt of the June 2021 Bank Reconciliation, Cash Balance, and Financial Report, the board also heard from Chief Financial Officer Robyn Cunningham who presented the first Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Hearing.

The board also received for review the revised 2021-22 Policy Manual.

Laure Clemons with Extended Family for Kids Program was also in attendance to provide an update on the program.

The board also approved a Lease Agreement with Canon Financial Services, Inc. for Central Office Copier, approved an Independent Contractor Agreement with CED Mental Health for Mental Health Services, approved Contract with Therapy Junction, LLC for Physical Therapy Services, and approved a Contract with Christa Neyman, OTR/L for Occupational Therapy Services.

Also accepted were bids CNP 22-05 with Trident Beverage for Beverages (with the option to extend) – Only Bid Received 15.

The board granted approval to John Kincer and the Centre FFA to Attend the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, IN on October 26-31, 2021 – Funded by Centre FFA Chapter 16.

An Equipment Lending Agreement was also approved with Yanmar America Corporation and Cedar Bluff Booster Club.2021-8-11 Job Postings Personnel Action Sheet 2021-8-11

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