Cedar Bluff Rezoning Ordinance Fails

During the Cedar Town Council meeting Monday, the Council heard from Attorney Bob McWhorter representing a group of citizens opposing the rezoning who told the Council this was a case of spot zoning and was not consistent with the Town’s Zoning Ordinance which the Council just approved in January. He asked the Council to deny the request. Then the Council heard from Attorney Shane Givens representing Dave Kubat who petition the Council for the Zoning change so he could develop the property in question into a campground, restaurant and bar. Givens told the Council they had the responsibility to do what was best for the Town and asked the Council to approve the change. He told them the Town was missing out on all the development that was going on in Centre and Leesburg around the Lake.

Mayor Crane then called for the vote on Ordinance 2021-03 with Councilman Jack Bond making a motion to deny the request for rezoning. The motion received a second by Council Member Angela Ritchey. On a roll call vote, Bond and Ritchey voted for the motion to deny the zoning change. Council Members Anna Grace, Letha Harp and Tim Miller voted no on the motion. So the motion to deny failed but since the motion failed does that mean the Ordinance was approved? The Town Clerk said in order for the measure to pass it would require a two third majority vote.

In other action, the Council approved $150 per classroom for the Cedar Bluff School. This money is from the COVID Rescue money received from the Federal Government and would not be any direct cost to the Town. The expenditure will be for sanitizers and cleaners, disinfecting wipes, and other cleaning agents to help prevent the possible spread of COVID and other viruses.

During the work session prior to the Council Meeting, Mayor Crane informed the Council the Town has been accepting applications for the Police department for the Chief’s position and officers jobs. The cutoff date for the applications was 4 PM Monday. Mayor Crane later told WEIS Radio News, The Council would need to hold a Special Called meeting to hire someone to fill the position of Chief of Police before the next regular meeting. Mayor Crane and the Council set the Trunk or Treat event in the Park for 5PM on Saturday, October 30th due to Halloween being on Sunday and the Christmas Parade for Monday, December 6th at 5PM.


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