Two Blood Assurance Blood Drives Taking Place in Cherokee County In August

Blood supplies across the state of Alabama are currently at critically low levels – and, Blood Assurance is asking everyone to give during two drives held during the month of June in Cherokee County.

On Monday, August 9th the bloodmobile will be at Floyd Cherokee Medical Center, 400 Northwood Drive in Centre, from 12:30 – 5:00pm – and on Friday, August 20th it will be at Dean’s Pharmacy, 699 Cedar Bluff Road in Centre, from 10:00am – 2:30pm

Blood Assurance is a non-profit, full-service regional blood center serving healthcare facilities in Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Kentucky and North Carolina. More than 540 volunteer blood donors are needed every day in order to adequately supply these hospitals. Founded in 1972 as a joint effort of the Chattanooga-Hamilton County Medical Society, the Chattanooga Area Hospital Council and the Chattanooga Jaycees (Junior Chamber of Commerce), the mission of Blood Assurance is to provide a safe and adequate supply of blood and blood components in a cost effective manner to every area patient in need.

Currently, there are 12 fixed locations and 16 bloodmobiles to collect lifesaving blood products used by area patients. Blood Assurance is a member of the American Association of Blood Banks, the Tennessee Association of Blood Banks, the Tennessee Hospital Association,  Blood Centers of America, the Georgia Department of Community Health, the Tennessee Department of Health, and the Chattanooga Area Hospital Council.

Blood Assurance is licensed by the Tennessee Department of Public Health, the Georgia Department of Human Resources and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration

For additional licensure and regulatory information for our facilities, view our licenses or contact Quality Assurance at (423) 756-0966.


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