Congressman Rogers Praises House Passage Of National Guard Funding

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Representative Mike Rogers (R-AL), Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Committee, released a statement following the House passage of funding for the National Guard. Earlier this month, Ranking Member Rogers urged [3] Speaker Pelosi to cancel August recess if a clean supplemental funding bill for the National Guard was not passed in time.  “It is about time that Congress finally passed a clean bill to fund the National Guard,” RANKING MEMBER MIKE ROGERS SAID.

“Speaker Pelosi’s partisan political grandstanding earlier this year came at the expense of the National Guard. Without securing this urgent funding, National Guard units would have been forced to cancel critical training – harming readiness levels and degrading the National Guard’s ability to meet national security commitments.  

“Earlier this month, I urged Speaker Pelosi to cancel August recess if the needs of the National Guard were not met. I am glad that we came to our senses and finally addressed this issue before it was too late. We should never again use the men and women of the National Guard in security theater,” RANKING MEMBER MIKE ROGERS CONTINUED.   
