Cherokee County Arrest Files:
Billy Gene Hunter, age 60 of Centre – Failure to Appear on prior charges of Driving while Suspended, Switched Tag and an Insurance Violation;
Randy Coy Sides, age 45 of Cedar Bluff – Domestic Violence 3rd Degree;
Morgan Brittany Thacker, age 32 of Piedmont – Bond Revocation, Probation Violation and Failure to Appear on a Probation Revocation;
Jackson Grant Wells, age 20 of Centre – Assault/Harrasment, Receiving Stolen Property 2nd Degree, Carrying a Concealed Weapon without a Permit and Disorderly Conduct.
Arrests are based on probable cause – all suspects are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law
Currently there are 87 inmates housed in the Cherokee County Detention Center