City of Centre Approves Rental Rates For New Community Center

A number of items were approved during Tuesday’s meeting of the Centre City Council.

At the recommendation of the Variance Committee, a sign variance was approved for the Colbert Law Firm located at 101 1st Avenue.

The Council also approved rental rates for the new Centre Community Center. The cost for the Auditorium will be $400 with a maximum of 6 hours and $65 for each additional hour plus a $200 refundable deposit, the full conference room will be $250 with a maximum of 6 hours and $50 for each additional hour plus a $200 refundable deposit, half conference rooms will be $125 for up to 6 hours and $25 for each additional hour and a $200 deposit. Non-Profit Organizations will be able to rent the facilities for half rates and local small clubs will be allowed free use. There will also be an additional $75 fee for use of the kitchen facility.

Also approved was a $25,000 allotment to be used to make repairs and renovations to the former DC Gas building on West Main Street, the city has been deeded the property and will be utilizing it in the future.

Also approved was a job posting for an additional Court Magistrate.

The purchase of 50 garbage bins for the streets and sanitations department was approved in addition to the purchase of a zero turn lawn mower for the parks and recreation department.

You can listen to the audio from Tuesday’s meeting by clicking below.

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