Lori Harris with The Children’s Advocacy Center of Cherokee County Visits WEIS Radio

For more than 20 years, the Children’s Advocacy Center of Cherokee County has been reaching out to those in need, providing help to those who need a helping hand and a sense of support and well-being that they may have never known before.

April is Child Abuse Awareness Month and Lori Harris with the local chapter recently dropped by the WEIS Radio studios to discuss a number of things, including the many services offered by the organization:

At the Center the focus is on the safety and well-being of each child – and the services are provided at no cost to children and their family members; it’s where families find support and resources, and most importantly, a place where healing begins. 

But bear in mind making this happen doesn’t come easy – the support of the public is key – especially with serious cuts in funding and grant cutbacks, over the last several years.  Donations and fundraising efforts are vital in keeping everything in the entire process working at peak capacity:

You can also help by increasing awareness about the tragic problem of child abuse or by donating your time as a volunteer or through many other ways.

You can also listen to that interview in its entirety by clicking the link provided below

The Children’s Advocacy Center of Cherokee County was founded in 1999 – out of concern for the well being of abused children as their cases moving through the legal system. Prior to the founding of the CAC, young victims of abuse and neglect had to endure multiple interviews and interactions with social, legal and law enforcement agencies – an exhausting and traumatic process as the children were asked to repeatedly share the painful details of their cases to different members of the investigative team.

Every day at the CAC children victimized by abuse find caring professionals and community partners who dedicate themselves to helping children through the nightmare of abuse and neglect.  The Center is a child-focused facility which is designed to feel comfortable and safe for the children and families they serve. The services are provided at no cost to children and their supportive family members – and within the Center, families find support and resources, and most importantly, a place where healing begins. 

The CAC’s vision is for a community where children are safe, families are strong – and child victims become children again.

The CAC depends on the community to help carry out their life-changing mission.   You can partner with them by giving your time and resources in one or more of the following ways:

  • Sharing our social media posts to help us educate our community about ways to protect the innocent children of Cherokee County.
  • Participating in our Casual Friday for Kids campaign every April by purchasing a t-shirt in support of the CAC and the victims we serve. 
  • Donating an item from our wish list.
  • Making a monetary donation to help support victims of child abuse and help them to continue to receive the services they need to begin the healing process.
  • Educate your children on body safety and internet safety.
  • Reporting child abuse when you see it, hear it, or suspect it. 


Children’s Advocacy Center of Cherokee County Website

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