Celebrating “National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week”

This week is National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week, where we pause to show our appreciation to our public safety telecommunicators. This nationally recognized week brings recognition to the public safety dispatchers who are an invaluable part of public safety in Cherokee County.

Dispatchers ensure that citizens receive rapid response from law enforcement officers, fire and medical personnel during emergency situations. They are the front line of first responders and are often overlooked and unseen, yet they play a critical role in coordinating lifesaving efforts. Not only do they save the lives of our family, friends and neighbors but, they protect the lives of first responders.

Their highly difficult job, of hearing the worst situations and asking the hard questions, affords Cherokee County responders to arrive on scene with needed information and to carry out their duties safely and effectively.

I am thankful for these men and women who give sacrificially of themselves to serve our community. Please join me this week, and throughout the year, in showing appreciation and sincere gratitude to our public safety telecommunicators.

Thank you, dispatchers, for your service. You are truly appreciated!

Stay Safe,

Sheriff Shaver

*Telecommunicators Week began in California in 1981 and quickly grew to become a national week of recognition. Ten years later, Congress officially designated the second week of April as a time to remember the critical role that dispatchers play in keeping us all safe.

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