Congressman Mike Rogers Issues Statement Ahead Of Vote On H.R. 1319

Congressman Mike Rogers made the following statement today ahead of the vote on H.R. 1319. The legislation was framed as COVID relief, but has proven to be nothing more than Pelosi’s plan to cater to progressives. Rogers is strongly opposed to the bill. “It’s a disgrace that this bill would even be brought to the House floor. Currently, $1 trillion in COVID-19 relief funding has yet to be spent. “This bill is a wolf in sheep’s clothing — extreme socialist initiatives falsely proposed as COVID relief. Less than nine percent of the funding in this bill is allocated towards public health spending.

The Biden Administration is so focused on taking credit for the Trump Administration’s ‘Project Warp Speed’ that they have lost sight of the mission — adequately distributing the Trump vaccine and stopping the spread of the virus. It’s pathetic and emblematic of what’s wrong with Washington,” Rogers said. The almost $2 trillion bill does little to help open K-12 schools, will discourage individuals from getting back to work and does hardly anything to help Americans.

What it does do is fund abortions with taxpayer dollars, threaten business owners with a minimum wage hike and bail out Democrat-led states who can’t spend their tax dollars wisely.

“I am disappointed in my Democrat colleagues and call on Speaker Pelosi to get serious about helping Americans instead of pandering to the progressives in her party. Americans deserve better,” Rogers added. Rogers serves as Ranking Member on the House Armed Services Committee.
