On Thursday, Career & Tech Center Principal Brett Keasler joined our WEIS Radio Morning Show Host Jerry Baker, to discuss National Career Tech Education Month.
It’s a nationwide campaign set aside to draw attention to the value of career tech education, and the role it plays in the future of students; at the Cherokee County Career & Tech Center, hands-on experience is readily available to help them make those decisions regarding their pathway to success:
And the range of classes is incredible, all the way from the basics of auto repair and upkeep, which will prepare them for entry-level work at a dealership – n getting them in the door as they continue to learn – all the way to more “business-related” interests:
Part of that program includes creating web pages, and design, which is skill set currently in high demand.
Principal Keasler also had this important announcement:
To hear that interview in its entirety, simply click the link provided