Cherokee County Health Department Has Administered 1,296 COVID-19 Vaccines

Although the supply of COVID-19 vaccine remains limited nationwide, the Cherokee County Health Department has administered 1,296 COVID-19 vaccines to date. An additional 580 doses are allocated for COVID-19 for three clinics that will be held next week. Two of these clinics are reserved for the required second doses for those already immunized with their first doses, and one clinic is to administer first doses.

Northeastern District Medical Officer Dr. Karen Landers said, “The Cherokee County Health Department has been making appointments and providing COVID-19 vaccine to meet the needs of the community during this pandemic. There are more people who want to be vaccinated than there are doses available.”

Eligibility for vaccination that began February 8 includes the following groups:

· Persons age 65 and older
· Healthcare workers
· First responders including EMS, firefighters and law enforcement
· Frontline essential workers as follows:
— Corrections officers
— Food and agriculture workers
— U.S. Postal Service workers
— Manufacturing workers
— Grocery store workers
— Public transit workers
— People who work in the education sector
— Childcare workers
— Judiciary

For the latest information from the Alabama Department of Public Health regarding the COVID vaccine, including Alabama’s Allocation Plan, eligibility check tool, and vaccine locations, visit

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