Valley Head Man Jailed in Chattooga County on DUI Charge

An Alabama man was arrested over the weekend in neighboring Chattooga County, Georgia after deputies noticed his parked car in front of a business that was closed at the time.

Early on Saturday a Chattooga County Sheriff’s Deputy on patrol noticed the vehicle in a gas station parking lot; what attracted his attention, was the fact that the brake lights on the car were continuously flashing.

Deputies pulled in and spoke to the driver. Identified as Christopher Estrada, and according to the arrest report – he seemed very confused, and kept trying to start the vehicle with the “push-to-start” button, but was unable to do so.  After detecting a strong odor of alcohol the officers requested that Estrada step out of the vehicle, at which point he admitted to having “one beer”, which soon changed to “four beers”.   He said that he was heading back home to Valley Head after visiting with a friend.

After submitting to a field sobriety test, the Alco-Sensor reading indicated that Estrada had a positive result of .099.  His driver’s license also showed to have been suspended in March of this year (2020) due to a DUI.

At that point Estrada was placed under arrest and transported to the Chattooga County Jail.

WZQZ Chattooga County Radio)

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