Hokes Bluff Man Charged with Escape After Attempting to Flee From Deputy

A Hokes Bluff man is currently lodged in the Cherokee County Detention Center, following a number of charges, after attempting to run from a Sheriff’s Office deputy Monday evening.

Logan Cale Norton, age 32, was in the process of being picked up on warrants – when, after already having been placed in handcuffs attempted to flee from Deputy Will Bailey while he was being escorted to the patrol vehicle.

Norton was quickly caught, and his actions added a charge of Escape 3rd Degree.  He stands charged with Theft of Property 4th Degree in addition to Failure to Appear on prior charges of the Unlawful Possession of Marijuana 2nd Degree and the Unlawful Possession of Drug Paraphernalia.

He was booked into jail just after 9:00pm.
