Information From Monday’s Centre City Council Meeting

The Centre City Council held their regular meeting on Monday evening – that meeting was originally scheduled to take place on Tuesday, July 14th but was postponed due to a number of city employees testing positive for COVID-19.

The council awarded a bid for the demolition of the concession stand at the Ed Yarbrough Park – that project was awarded to Onsite Solutions out of Jacksonville, Alabama in the amount of $21,700. Onsite was the lowest responsible bidder, there were only two bids received.

The council also approved a motion to approve the appointment of Brent Morrison as temporary City Clerk for as long as needed. Morrison, Sherry Chandler and Rita Garrett were also appointed as Election Managers for the upcoming Municipal Election.

Two step raises were approved for the month of July; those individuals are employees of the Streets and Sanitation’s Department.

City Engineer Raymond Matthews presented quotes for ADA Compliant handrails for the City Park – the lowest quote was from T&S Welding in the amount of $1,750. These rails will comply with ADA Guidelines.

The council also approved the purchase of three thermal imaging cameras and turn out gear for the Fire Department in the amount of $3,594 for three cameras and $6,108 for the turn out gear, these items were budgeted.

You can view the video from Monday’s meeting below

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