Cedar Bluff Man Arrested on DUI Charge in Chattooga County, Georgia

A 40 year old Cherokee County resident was arrested just across the state line in northwest Georgia late last week  on a charge of Driving Under the Influence, following a traffic stop.

According to the report that was released on Tuesday of this week by the Chattooga County Sheriff’s Office, Anthony Eugene Hamby from Cedar Bluff was pulled over on Back Berryton Road, after being observed making what is referred to as a “rolling stop”, at the intersection of Raccoon Creek Road and Back Berryton.  The report indicated the deputy watched as the driver of the grey Chevy Silverado failed to maintain a single lane prior to being stopped.

The deputy noted in the report that Hamby had a strong smell of alcohol on his breath, and a red Solo Cup containing alcohol was sitting in the console of the vehicle.  Hamby allegedly admitted to having had around a half-dozen alcoholic drinks prior to driving that evening –  but denied knowing what was in the Solo Cup.

He was placed under arrest at the scene and from there carried to the Chattooga County Jail on a charge of DUI.

(WZQZ Chattooga County Radio)

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