4th of July Weekend at Little River Canyon National Preserve – Ft Payne, Alabama

4th of July Weekend at Little River Canyon National Preserve Fort Payne, Alabama

The Independence Day weekend is one of the busiest weekends of the year at Little River Canyon National Preserve, and the National Park Service would like to give you the following tips to help you make your visit as enjoyable as possible.


The Little River Falls parking lot is usually full by 10:00 AM (CST), so those who would like to enjoy the view of Little River Falls or would like to hike the trail to Little Falls (aka: “Martha’s Falls” and “Hippie Hole”) should plan to arrive early. Jacksonville State University is generously offering additional parking at the Little River Canyon Center overflow parking lot for visitors to this area as the need arises. The parking areas at the overlooks along the Little River Canyon Rim Parkway / AL Highway 176 are 30-minute parking only, and parking at Blue Hole is only for visitors to that location.


Parking areas will have National Park Service staff and volunteers conducting parking control to help visitors in parking quickly and safely. Should your favorite area at Little River Canyon National Preserve not be available due to a full parking lot, please have a back-up plan in mind. Little River Canyon offers numerous recreational opportunities, many of which you can find on our website at nps.gov/liri. Other opportunities can be found within a relatively short drive of Little River Canyon National Preserve, to include DeSoto State Park, Buck’s Pocket State Park, Lake Guntersville State Park, and Weiss Lake in Alabama, and Cloudland Canyon State Park and James H. Floyd State Park in Georgia.


The National Weather Service forecast for Little River Canyon National Preserve on Independence Day weekend is calling for a chance of scattered showers and thunderstorms throughout the weekend. Afternoon thunderstorms are common this time of year and recreating outdoors within 10 miles of a thunderstorm can greatly increase your chances of being injured by a lightning strike. Heavy rainfall, not just at Little River Canyon but as far up-river as the Chattanooga, Tennessee area, can result in rapid changes in the water level of the river with little or no warning. Flash flooding does not just increase the flow of the river, but can send large, harmful debris downriver with it. Visitors are highly encouraged to monitor weather conditions during their time at Little River Canyon.


While visiting Little River Canyon National Preserve, it is your responsibility to protect yourself and others from COVID-19 exposure. Little River Canyon National Preserve and the National Park Service have been taking extraordinary steps to implement the latest guidance from the White House, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and state and local public health agencies. The CDC has made the following recommendations to help people recreating in parks and open spaces to prevent the spread of infectious diseases:

  • Visit parks close to your home
  • Prepare before you visit•Stay at least 6 feet away from others
  • Play it safe around and in swimming areas
  • DO NOT visit parks if you are sick or were recently exposed to COVID-19
  • DO NOT visit crowded parks
  • DO NOT use playgrounds
  • DO NOT participate in organized activities or sports



Alcoholic beverages, glass containers (for food or beverages), and fireworks and firecrackers are NOT permitted at Little River Canyon National Preserve. The National Park Service works to reduce risks, but your safety is in your own hands. We here at Little River Canyon National Preserve would like visitors to come prepared, stay alert, and return home safe with memories of a wonderful visit.

For additional information, please contact Park Ranger/Public Information Officer Matt Switzerat 256-845-9605.

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