Centre City Council Finalizing Major Upgrades Throughout The City

The Centre City Council is setting into place plans to grow the City of Centre.

Of those plans includes the proposal of a new aquatic center to be constructed within the city, at the monthly Chamber of Commerce Breakfast held via Facebook live on Thursday morning, Centre Mayor Tony Wilkie provided an update.

Mayor Wilkie asks that citizens be especially patient with businesses and business owners. He said that the restrictions are something that local business owners cannot control as they are simply following the order of Governor Kay Ivey and the State Health Officer. He encouraged all citizens to continue to patronize all local businesses during this unprecedented time.

Mayor Wilkie also stated that the contract work for the former Armory Building has been approved and is underway in addition to the sidewalk project at the City Park. The City Park remains closed at this time due to ongoing work being preformed. That project will include a new walking track/sidewalk which will include shaded and non-shaded areas for patrons to enjoy.

A recommendation to reappoint Tom “Tiny” Owens to the Alcohol Review Committee for a term of three years was also approved.  A recommendation to approve Tom Wade Hampton to the Centre Planning Commission for a six year term was also approved.

The Centre Police Department received a grant from Wal-Mart in the amount of $2,500. Sgt. Riley Combs said that $1,800 would be used to purchase a computer to be used for software for the department’s body cameras and that the remaining amount of $800 would be used for an upgraded mount for the cameras.

The council also voted to approve “hazardous duty pay” for ALL city employees; this will be a onetime payment in the amount of $200 per employee which includes police, fire, streets & sanitation’s departments and office employees. The city has a total of 52 employees including the volunteer fire department.

$82,000 was also approved for the use of street striping projects throughout the city.

An agreement with LADD Engineering was also approved as they will be overseeing the construction project of a new concession stand at the BPA Fields (Ed Yarbrough Park).

The offices at Centre City Hall remained closed, but anyone with business can call at 256-927-5222.

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