Funeral Services Set for Today (Monday, February 3rd) for Six Victims of Jackson County Fire

A funeral service will be held today for (Top, L-R) Grace Annette Watson Miles, Christopher Zane Long, Bryli Anniston Long (Bottom, L-R) Trayden Dominic Miles, Kesston Damian Miles and Dezli Nicole Miles.Valley Funeral Home

The mother and her five children who perished in the dock fire at Jackson County Park will be laid to rest today (Monday, February 3rd, 2020).

Services for Grace Annette Watson Miles, age 40; Christopher Zane Long, 19; Bryli Anniston Long, 16; Trayden Dominic Miles, 10; Kesston Damian Miles; and Dezli Nicole Miles, age 7 –  are planned for 2:00pm at Valley Funeral Home in Stevenson.

The services are being provided by the funeral home at no cost to the family.

The family’s father, Joe Miles, suffered burns but survived the blaze.  The Miles/Long family were among the eight who died when a fire broke out at Jackson County Park Marina.

The two other victims were identified as Amanda Foster, 38, and Yancey Ferrell Roper, 54.

The cause of the fire remains under investigation.

