Town of Leesburg Hires New Police Officers

The Town Council of Leesburg gave the green light on Monday to hire Hunter Brisendine to help provide 24 hour/7 days per week police protection for the Town. Brisendine was approved for a minimum of 30 hours per week and could work more if the need arises. Seth Hood was approved as an “On Call Officer” to help fill the void if one should occur. Both are certified officers and both will start at pay step one according to Mayor Pierce.  Raincoats were approved for both officers at $76 each.

The Council also approved a new hand held radio for the police department at a cost of $2206, a computer and two printers at a cost of $2500, three AR-15 rifles and a shotgun at a cost of $1530 and a thousand dollars worth of ammo for the department’s firearms qualifying.

The Council approved expenditures of $614 for repairs to a pumper truck for the Fire Department. The work is to be done by Summit Safety LLC and $412.75 for 5 raincoats for the department.

The Town’s Christmas Party will be held after the next Town Council meeting on December 2nd at the Dry Creek Venue.
