Monday’s Cherokee County Commission Meeting

During the Monday morning meeting of the Cherokee County Commission, Donny George was appointed by the commissioners to the CED Mental Health Board to fill a six-year unexpired term ending April 1, 2023.

Another motion was passed to declare two vehicles from the Sheriff’s office as surplus to be sold at the next available public auction. Those vehicles were a 2018 Dodge Ram 2500 and a 2018 Dodge Ram 1500.

In other new business, EMA Director, Shawn Rogers informed the council that the storm shelter in Sand Rock has been completed. In January of 2016, straight line winds blew through the community causing damage and made them eligible for a storm shelter fund. They then applied for a grant and got it in early 2017. The shelter is located across from Sand Rock High School.

The council also went into Executive Session due to security matters pertaining to the security safety of persons, structures, facilities, and other infrastructures. They then re-convened about 20 minutes later and took no further action.

Commissioner Randy Jones also spoke with us about the recent outbreak of grass fires in his district; which is between the Key and Forney communities on Highway 411. He asks if anyone knows information on who’s setting these fires or sees someone in the act, please contact the Sheriff’s Office and let them know right away. He says there are multiple fires being set each week.

There were no public hearings or any old business to deal with.

The next regular meeting will be Monday, July 22nd, 2019 at 5:00 PM.  
