Cherokee County Chamber Of Commerce Appoints New Chairman And Board Of Directors

The Cherokee County Chamber of Commerce appointed their new Chairman and Board of Directors during their 2019 annual meeting held on Tuesday night at the Gadsden State Cherokee Arena.

Among those that were appointed included; Cherokee County Probate Judge/Commission Chairman Tim Burgess as Chairman (pictured above), Cherokee County EMA Director Shawn Rogers was appointed to the Board of Directors in addition to Scott Lloyd Assistant District Attorney, Max Bruce with Sand Mountain Pest Management and John Boggs Assistant Administrator at Cherokee Health and Rehab was reappointed to the Board.

Joy Perry presented the 2019 Beautification Award to the City of Centre for their efforts in improving the downtown district  through their work with the Cherokee County Master Gardner’s. This award is given to a business or organization that has made a special effort in improving their business’s physical appearance, thereby, making the street and area more appealing to visitors of  Cherokee County.

The W.A. Dub Ellis Community Service Award was presented to Cindy McGinnis who has spent countless hours in making sure that those in need in Cherokee County have a means in which to receive assistance through the services offered at the Family Care Center. Dub Ellis was a local business owner and someone who was very instrumental in many projects that moved Cherokee County forward. He donated his time and advocated volunteerism in the community. This award is given to those who demonstrate dedication of time and money to support activities promoting Cherokee County.

The Family Care Center is a nonprofit 501C3 mission driven organization founded to help those in need, to offer hope, and to bring common-unity.

Their goal is to unite volunteers, church leaders, community leaders and their respective congregations to service and help those in need. Drawing from Cherokee and Etowah Counties’ strong business and civic involvement, we are working to mobilize volunteers directed towards grassroots community involvement. We want to bring the community together through hope, relationships, and common-unity.

The Mary George Waite Spirit award was presented by Chamber of Commerce Director Theresa Hulgan to members of the Cherokee County Healthcare Authority for the dedication and assistance in helping to save the operation at Cherokee Medical Center through their partnership with the Floyd Healthcare group.

Mary George Waite was a teacher and President of Farmers & Merchants Bank. She was a mentor for many of the young people of Cherokee County, helping them get college scholarships, etc. This award is given to those who demonstrate “spirit” of cooperation, fostering of ideals and dedication to the community.

Luanne Hayes, Director of the Cherokee County Industrial Development Authority presented the 2019 Chairman’s Merit Award to Pirate’s Bay Water Park & Resort. Pirate’s Bay is located in Leesburg and offers amenities including a water park, zip lining and a putt putt golf course.

This award is given to those who, through their business acumen, advance Cherokee County’s Economic Climate. They have proved to be community spirited by working with other organizations to develop long range community projects.

The 2019 Chairwoman’s Presentation was made by Theresa Hulgan, honoring Barbara Harris who has served as the previous Chairman for the Chamber for the previous year.

The entertainment was sponsored by the Cherokee County Industrial Development Authority and included “When Rock Was Young: The Elton John Tribute” by Craig Meyer.
