Piedmont Councilman Wants to See Animal Registration Program

Fresh off the heels of Piedmont city officials securing a shelter to take in the city’s stray animals, one council member wants to see their efforts taken a step further with an animal registration program.

During Tuesday’s city council meeting, Council Member Doug Dickeson presented his plan in hopes of reducing the number of stray animals, while also funding the city’s $1,500 monthly commitment to Calhoun County Animal Control.

Dickeson suggested that the city look into establishing a program similar to that of nearby Jacksonville.

He said it would include providing proof of necessary shots and having the animal spayed or neutered. The proposed registration could cost pet owners a $15 annual fee in contrast to Jacksonville’s free registration.

Dickeson said he would also like to see the city enact fines for noncompliance, such as a $100 fine for a first offence, increasing to $250 and $500 with possible jail time for second and third offenses, respectively.

“That way, there’s an incentive to get it done,” Dickeson said.

Mayor Bill Baker asked the council to study Jacksonville’s policy and work to potentially establish one that will work for Piedmont.

In other business, bills for payment were approved in the amount of $372,444.78.

Shannon Ray was reappointed to his current seat on the Piedmont School Board.

The next regular Piedmont City Council Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 7th, immediately following the work session, which is set for 5:30pm.
