Yet Another $1,000 Tagged Fish Caught; $10,000 Fish “In-Play” This Saturday and Sunday

Yet another angler has a legitimate reason to brag to his friends this week, after reeling in a $1,000 fish Wednesday morning, as part of the 2019 Weis Lake Improvement Association’s Crappie Rodeo on Weiss Lake.  Josh Morrow of Ft Payne was fishing from the bank around a dock in the Little River area – when he pulled in the big money fish.  That makes the fifth $1,000 tagged crappie caught in a week’s time.

Amos Wallbrown of Greenfield, Indiana caught one Sunday in Little River – with J.D. Norton from Granite Falls, North Carolina incredibly reeling in one last Wednesday, and another on the following morning when he was shooting docks in the Little River area.

The first $1,000 tagged fish was caught by Cedar Bluff resident Virgil Beatenbo – as he was shooting docks in the Yellow Creek area.

This year’s tournament features 1,006 tagged crappie – with a combined value in excess of $162,000 – including large numbers of $50 fish, 52 $1,000 tagged fish, and several $10,000 sponsored fish that are “in-play” on select dates and a $10,000 fish “in-play” throughout the tournament, sponsored by the Weiss Lake Improvement Association.

A $10,000 fish – sponsored by the Town of Leesburg – will be “up for grabs” this weekend – Saturday and Sunday, March 30th and 31st.

The tournament continues through April 15th.


$10,000 Fish Sponsors
5 $10,000 fish are sponsored by the following and are good for the dates listed:

Walmart of Centre – February 16-17
Town of Cedar Bluff – March 2-3
City of Centre – March 16-17
Town of Leesburg – March 30-31
Town of Sand Rock – April 13-14

1 $10,000 fish is sponsored by WLIA and is good February 1 – April 15

52 $1,000 fish are sponsored by the following and are good February 1 – April 15:

Alabama Power Weiss Lake Shoreline Management
Alabama Power Weiss Dam
City of Centre
Town of Cedar Bluff
Town of Leesburg
Town of Sand Rock
Walmart of Centre



Bay Springs Country Inn, Campground, & Marina

Big Oak Campground

Coosa Corner

Paw Paw’s at Cowan Creek

Decks and Docks

Harton’s Nursery & Gas

Little River Marina & Lodge

Piggly Wiggly, Cedar Bluff

The Cove Restaurant at Riverside

Walmart, Centre

Weiss Lake Lodge

Weiss Mart Marina

Yellow Creek Falls Fish Camp



Bay Springs Country Inn, Campground, & Marina

Big Oak Campground

Coosa Corner

Paw Paw’s at Cowan Creek

Harton’s Nursery & Gas

Little River Marina & Lodge

The Cove Restaurant at Riverside

Weiss Lake Lodge

Weiss Mart Marina

Yellow Creek Falls Fish Camp


1,006 tagged Crappie valued at over $162,000

2019 tag color is Red

Crappie Rodeo Rules:

  1. All tagged fish must be checked-in alive and with the tag in place.


  1. You must have in possession a current Crappie Rodeo Badge at the time of the   catch.  Awards & prizes are not transferable.
  2. All fish must be caught with pole or rod & reel during tournament time.
  3. You must obey all State Fish & Game Laws.
  4. No Guides and No Pro Crappie Tournament Anglers allowed.
  5. You must be willing to take a polygraph test if requested by Tournament Director.
  6. All decisions of Tournament Director are final.


Crappie Rodeo 2019


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