Centre Police Department Introduces Three New Officers During The Most Recent City Council Meeting

During his week’s meeting of the Centre City Council, Mayor Tony Wilkie and Chief of

Police Kirk Blankenship introduced three new officers to the Centre Police Department; those officers are David Williams, Jesse Kiser and Aaron Flynt.

All three new officers are former military personnel from the Army, Navy and Marines. All three will be attending the Police Academy in April.

The council also approved three step raises as set forth by the city’s step raise scale.

Two reappointments were made to the city’s alcohol review committee with those being Chairman Tommy Loder and John Coggin. Billy Wayne McKinney was also reappointed to the Water Works and Sewer Board.

The council also granted authorization to surplus three vehicles with the money from the sales going back into the department’s budget.

Mayor Wilkie said that the council met with Building Inspector Raymond Matthews concerning the dilapidated structures across the city. The mayor said that the city is starting a campaign to try and get those properties cleaned up by the property owner without the city having to take legal steps to get them cleaned up.

Councilman Cedric Williams said that the overall goal of the council is to beautify the city and make it attractive to residents and visitors.

As the city continues it campaign to revamp the downtown district, the Master Gardeners are looking for donations of plastic bottles to be placed in the bottom of the planters along Main Street. If you can help in any please contact Centre City Hall.

The Centre City Council meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month in the Council Chambers at Centre City Hall at 5:00 p.m.

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