Inaugural Cheaha Time Trial Event Coming to Piedmont

Prior to Tuesday’s meeting of the Piedmont City Council, officials received positive news in regards to the city’s status as a blossoming outdoor recreational destination.

Organizers of the 27th Annual Cheaha Challenge announced that in conjunction with this year’s race will be the inaugural Cheaha Challenge Time Trial set for Saturday, May 18th. The 12-mile course will begin in Piedmont and conclude at Pete Mathews Coliseum on the campus of Jacksonville State University.

As an official qualifier for the UCI Grand Fondo World Championship held later this year, the event is expected to bring riders from around the world to Piedmont and the Chief Ladiga Trail.

During this discussion, several council members expressed a desire to make the city more bike friendly. Council Member Matt Rogers asked the council to look into repaving portions of the Chief Ladiga Trail, while Council Member Doug Dickeson requested additional bike racks to be placed in the downtown area.

In other business, the council agreed to raise the price of renting the city aquatic center for parties from $100 to $125. The increase will allow lifeguards to be paid $25 per party, instead of the current $20 rate. A $50 deposit fee will also be added to all party rentals at the aquatic center.

Abatement resolutions were passed, declaring two properties along 1st Avenue and a Spark Street property as a public nuisance, which will allow the city to begin cleanup.

Bills for payment were approved in the amount of $855,662.54.

Mayor Bill Baker read an official proclamation declaring the Cities of Piedmont and Fayette as “Sister Cities,” in recognition of the two cities’ “similarities in size, business interests, goals, mutual respect and friendship.” Baker noted that this is the first time that two Alabama cities have been named sister cities in state history.

The next regular meeting of the Piedmont City Council is scheduled for Tuesday, February 19th, following the work session, which is set for 5:30pm.

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