Children’s Advocacy Center of Cherokee County Reminds Everyone About “Giving Tuesday” on the 27th

GivingTuesday is a global day of giving to organizations that give back to their communities in truly meaningful ways and the Children’s Advocacy Center of Cherokee County is asking for your support in helping them meet the rising costs associated with offering a safe, child-friendly environment for the many children who are suspected victims of child abuse to be interviewed.

Advocacy Center Director Lori Harris:

We asked if there was any minimum amount in regard to the size of the donation:

We asked Harris to explain a bit about the interview process:

Through this method – the child is spared the ordeal of having to repeat the story a number of times in front of different people, under circumstances that they may find intimidating or frightening.

Donations can be made on their website at and Facebook page; and Facebook and PayPal will be matching donations on Tuesday the 27th.

To find out more call (256) 927-2111

The Children’s Advocacy Center Provides:

  • Forensic Interviewing: The Child Advocacy Center offers safe, neutral, child-friendly environment for children who are suspected victims of child abuse to be interviewed. 
  • Child Therapy: The Child Advocacy Center has a therapist on site for follow-up treatment after the interview takes place. The therapist will provide counseling services for the victim as long as necessary. 
  • Forensic Evaluations: This service is provided for the Department of Human Resources as well as the District Attorney’s office. This is an extended forensic interview taking place once a week from six to ten weeks. A licensed child therapist who has completed the forensic assessment training curriculum conducts the forensic assessment. It is a structured program that has been nationally recognized.
  • Family Advocacy: Support is offered to the non-offending caregivers in indicated child abuse cases. The family advocate serves as a liaison for the family and all involved investigating agencies. The family advocate also provides assistance in helping the family to utilize community resources. This program is limited to the non-offending caregivers who are supportive of the child victim.
  • Team Reviews: Once a month, The Children’s Advocacy Center Case Review Team meets at the Children’s Advocacy Center here in Cherokee County to discuss the status of all ongoing child abuse cases. Members include: staff here at the CAC, case workers from the Department of Human Resources, a supervisor from DHR, the District Attorney’s office, local law enforcement officers and investigators, and a local physician. 