Board of Education Approves New Budget

The Cherokee County Board of Education met on Thursday evening with a work session which run over into the Board meeting time. The work session was to discuss the budget for the upcoming year. After the work session the Board took a break to give Mrs. Cunningham, the CFO time to change some of the figures in the budget concerning the amount shown for the new Centre Elementary School. Apparently the figures she was to present to the Board included $12 million budgeted for the new facility however some board members said that is not the amount they voted for and wanted it reduced to 10.5 million. Mrs. Cunningham explained the changes for consideration.


The bids for the construction of the Centre Elementary School are to be opened on Tuesday, September 18th.

After a spirited debate and it was determined that the figure of $734,690 in the proposed budget was sufficient to cover payments on a bond issue up to $12 million, Mr. Guice recommended the budget and the board approved it. The total is just over $41 million with a beginning fund balance of 7.8 million and an ending balance of 5.575 million which is just over 3 months reserve for the board.  The Board also adopted the Capital Five Year Plan which outlines the Board’s objectives for capital outlay for each school in the system over the next five years.

A revised Nurse Salary Schedule was adopted in addition to a revised policy manual along with a contract with Verizon.

The Board also approved out of state travel with students for Mindy Hittle-Mcnair and the Cherokee County High FFA Chapter to attend the FFA National Convention in October in Indianapolis, Indiana with funds coming from the FFA.  Adam Smith and Sand Rock FFA Chapter attending the Convention with the funds coming from the Students/Club and Andrew Miller and the Spring Garden Chapter to attend the convention funded by the Students/Club.

The personnel action sheet was approved along with professional development.

The next Board of Education meeting is set for October 2nd at 6pm in the Board Office.




